:) finally, christmas pictures.
current mood: blank
just let the pictures do the talking this time? :)
i look FAT in most pics. nevertheless, enjoy.
pease double click to view clearly. thank you. HAHA

my favourite at orchard. :)

&Santa sent his babies out for chistmas. :)
OH, we make the best team!

roaming around.
&we made American's Next Top Model look BAD!

HYATT with them.
we sat, talked and forgot about the pain. :)
& i LOVE them all.

a long night walk, stupid intimate chat, &GAMES.
OH, i love every fregging moment. :)


he, who wants me to be his. HAHA! :)
&i look annoyingly fugly.

he who says "shoure" and "bhall" instead of "sure" and "ball".
the OH-so-annoying-one who was the company for the day.
nevertheless, this is my BIG THANK YOU to DEAREST MISTER FAIEZ. :)
we will meet next chirstmas maybe?
from afternoon, to evening, to late night. it was my christmas. OH, i love it.
dear world, thank you for that one brilliant night. my christmas was special. encore please. :)
&finally, maybe it's time to go now. i want to stay, but i know i am not needed anymore. this hurts much more than you think it does. 2008 will bring us to a new chapter. i am sorry.
this is my last day in 2007. :)