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Saturday, March 22, 2008

:) moments.
current mood: thankful

I miss silly moments with them. I miss laughing my heads off, knowing that no matter what happens the next day we will be there for each other. I miss our after school routines. They don't come by often, girlfriends like them. And I love every bit and inch of these 2 girls. They are really beautiful people.

We shared moments that I will always treasure. & they are the ones, I will want to keep till the end.

& I am also thankful I came across another beautiful soul.

He was just there, always. And he saved me from my insanity and created another wolrd for me. One just for me
&Uno, Ich Liebe Dich.

Oh, good night you.


imperfectly written at 2:47 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

:) While I was Sleeping.
current mood: missing you

~~★uno★~~ sent 18/3/2008 5:11 AM:
i'll alwayz bring u along in my heart.

& there, a simple message to bring me through the passing days.
Today I found myself counting seconds as it passes by. I am already missing a single scent.
& I celebrate the SECOND alone but I know it will be fine. :)

On a side note, my heart beat has been racing today that I can feel my it in my fingers. It's like you are in your journey home with a bad report card and you just know that as you reach home something bad is bound to happen. It's that feeling.

Anyway, I miss something sexy.
Oh, Good night world.


imperfectly written at 12:27 AM

Monday, March 17, 2008

:) gray scale.
current mood: famished

If insecurities is a crime then, I am guilty of it.
And slowly but surely, I am letting it get inside of me. Save me before I ruin it. I am already poisoning my own mind.

I miss you.
Good night world.


imperfectly written at 2:00 AM

Friday, March 14, 2008

current mood: sleepy

If you only have ten bucks and you want to spend a lovely evening with your significant other, here's one way.
Spend some time in a mart and pretend that you are doing your weekly groceries shopping with him/her. Get a tub of Ice cream, one flavour which both of you would enjoy. Buy some bread to go with that and maybe one large MacDonald's French Fries would be a perfect side dish. Next procced to some place quiet where both of you can adorably enjoy the tub together. There, spending your time talking and enjoying each other's company. Hear him/her cracking up jokes just to see you smile and you making yourself look foolishly cute in front of him/her. Cuddling under the stars and not being aware of the surroundings. It's a simple night, just you, him/her and that ice-cream. And I'll leave the rest of the night up for your imagination. :)
At the end of the day, it's about spending your time with that significant other and nothing less than that.

Cheap dates, and there are many other ways for it. Try it. Not all dates need tons of money. Girls, give your guys a break please and learn to just enjoy simple moments with him. :)
If forever exist, I want to stay with you forever.
& I mean every word I said.
Anyway today is way better than yesterday. Thank you.
Oh, good night you.


imperfectly written at 2:11 AM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

:) Supplementary.
current mood: infuriated

My brain molecules are taking a stroll in the theme park again. These frequent visits make me dizzy and I do wish that it would certainly stop. I think the clouds tearing today helped me set the mood that I am in. I need ice-cream, Chocolate Ice Cream with Chocolate Fudge Syrup and maybe a sprinkle of Chocolate Rice. Please, pretty please. And maybe the smell of a fresh rose or sunflower would be a cheery on top of the most perfect cake. Speaking of which, I do miss the smell of roses. If you fail to realize, I am not in the best mood as of now.

The best part is, I am disappointed in myself now. I failed to realize what was it in the beginning of the day that made me smile when these infuriating emotions rule me. The way things were fine before my brain molecules paid a visit to the theme park. The way smiles and laughter filled my every nerve. The way he harmlessly came and pinned a smile up for me. Selfish me. I am sorry. But why was it that I must be down on the same day I was over the top? That's the irony of the paradox.
Thank you world. :)

Oh, I miss a certain warmth tonight. It's only a quarter pass nine and I miss the sight of daylight already. I want badly to see the sunshine tomorrow because I know it'll be better than today. Maybe because I know tomorrow he'll be there. I hope. I can hardly breathe now that he's not here. & Here's the truth, I need him. Really.

I am sorry that I am not perfect. It has always been a problem.
UNO. Let's hold hands and enjoy the moments together.
Oh, good night. I am having an early one today. :)


imperfectly written at 9:20 PM

:) Smiles like before.
current mood: delighted

The monsoon season seems to deplete and I am glad you are here to witness this with me. The sun is shinning again. Spring seems to be here. And summer seems near. Long are gone, those dark gloomy days.
He's the reason for the recent smiles, laughter and joy. The reason for the sun to shine again. Honest, I can't explain why him nor can I reason it out to myself. He carries wings of an angel keeping me feeling safe all the time. His level of warmth and comfort is way beyond the horizon. And maybe, just maybe he colours my life with his smile.

I would not want to trade my place for any other, because my life stands out above the rest and my love strikes out as something special. Because in my life story, I met him and in my love story, I have him. We have no tune together, but he's my sweetest serenade. He plays the tune in which you will never understand. Maybe it's just the way he's sleek about everything that matters. Or maybe it's just the way he's true.
Maybe there is really no words for it, but for all I know, I am true.
Here, let me say, I LOVE YOU. :)

Oh, good night love.
&I suddenly have the urge to take a stroll at the beach. :)


imperfectly written at 3:13 AM

Saturday, March 8, 2008

:) that feeling
current mood: DOWN

Have you ever wake up in the middle of the night wondering who you are or what are you doing on the surface of this earth? Ever felt like you are obligated to make people happy but not yourself? Have you ever turn back in life and realized that you mean nothing to the people that matters most to you? How about realizing that no one will come for your wake? It's that feeling all over again.
Here's the rant today, please don't bother asking. Because who knows, I might not be talking about you or maybe I just might be.

Here. The truth hurts as it has always. I cannot make you happy nor can I make you smile. I am not perfect nor am I important. Burden. The soothing music lingers and memories stays but nothings there to make the feeling go away. Burden. That's how I feel. When will I learn to be independent or when will I start to matter again. Burden. That's how it has always been. With you, with him and with them. When will I actually mean something?

Smile. I sat there and wet my cheeks. Sore red eyes, yet I smile so you won't see. So no one will. All I ever wanted is to make the people that matters happy. But I've failed. As always, I hate loosing but I loose a lot. At least that is how I perceive it to be.
Love, I'll be there for you. I'll smile and be strong.
& you please don't be bothered. I just did not mean to hurt you.

And to that special someone, you are not a failure. You are my hero. You saved me from the darkness that engulfed me long before you came. You robbed me of my sadness and showered me with laughters and joy. I long for the hours when I get to see you. As you are my hero. Always.
UNO. Let's be sunshine and rainbow. I do love that & I do love you. :)

Oh, you have a good day please.


imperfectly written at 3:55 PM

Friday, March 7, 2008

:) selfish
current mood: sick

I want to be loved best by the person who loves me most. I want to be selfish about this. I refuse to share my love for anyone or be willing to be shared. And I am not the only one.
"You're mine now"- him.
He doesn't want to share me too. :)

&UNO is currently my favourite word.

Oh, good evening to you.
Have a good one. I know I will. :)


imperfectly written at 6:02 PM

Thursday, March 6, 2008

:) Washing machine.
current mood: mixed up

I feel like puking as I take a ride in the washing machine. My head spins as the turbo brings me to the most discomfort position. Then, I turned and saw him. He stepped inside and he promised to stay. He said he'd hold my hand and take the spin with me. :)

Thank you for making me feel worth while again. Thank you for that chance again. Thank you for stepping in.
I do love you.

Oh, there good night you. I am looking forward to the next day today.


imperfectly written at 12:08 AM

Sunday, March 2, 2008

:) trust.
current mood: beat

Trust. This is the one word that can spoil many random things in your life. Sorry, I am bad at this. I will be better.
Anyway, by the Cik Munk

Rule of the Tag: Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your 6 weird things, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says "you’re tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means.

My 6 weird things:

  1. I have no memories of vomiting. So the last time I did vomit was when I was around 3 or 4 years old. To vomit is one of the things in my to-do-list before I die. REALLY.
  2. I still cannot swallow pills. I rarely eat medication. I require a huge glass of water just for one tiny pill. And I still cry if I can't swallow the pill. The pill will melt inside my mouth and I would throw it all out. HAHA
  3. I DO NOT DRINK PLAIN WATER unless, there really is nothing else to drink or someone forced me to. It's just the taste. It’s too plain! I have a major sweet tooth problem.
  4. I sleep a lot. Even if I have 10 hours of sleep in the night, I need power naps in the middle of the day to give me energy. Especially when I am studying I can stop and sleep for 15 minutes and then continue studying. And I can sleep anywhere- bus, car, library, airport, classroom, corridors and any where else.
  5. I got this habit of laughing to myself. When I am in the bus alone and some memories of yesterday gets into my head, I will take out my phone and pretend to call someone and I would laugh. Loudly. Or, when I am with someone, and some random thought comes to my head, I’d just laugh to myself. And when they ask, I'd say “nothing!” So people might think I am nuts. Always the case.
  6. I like to talk to myself. When I’m down, I’d say things like “it’s okay!” to me and pat myself on my head or shoulder. Sometimes I have mini conversations to myself at any place or time. All in all, just to make myself feel better.

There, I am weird. Laugh at me if you must.

6 person to tag and do this:

  1. you
  2. you
  3. you
  4. you
  5. you
  6. you

Please do yourself the honours. I'm tagging everyone and anyone reading this! :)
Oh, the ramblings and noise here. I need a break. Somehow, I'm starting to loath the holidays. But I will be fine and we will make it through.
Have a good day you.


imperfectly written at 10:50 AM