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Monday, June 30, 2008

:) bedtime
current mood: down

Just as life seems bright, the clouds turned grey and you'll know it when it's about to rain cats and dogs. Right now, I feel like a bird, caged up and gasping for freedom. I tired so hard to rant at the world at large, but it seems like no matter how hard I am shouting, no one seems to hear me.

Time seems to be slipping away fast while I am still here hoping that it would stay just a moment longer for me. I am way overdue for projects and submissions and everything else had to fall perfectly on my most imperfect day of the week, today.

I cannot stress this further, just know that at the end of the day, and maybe at every second of the day, he's my desire. THIS 24-year-old and NOT any other. And at the end of the day, I want to live for my own happiness.

UNO, this day seems to have contradict this whole week. If it's meant to be, we'll make it through. As for now, know that I am giving it all I've got for this to work. ILY, with every beat of my heart. :)
Dear world, tonight seems wrong. Please make it alright. Good night. :)


imperfectly written at 1:54 AM

Saturday, June 21, 2008

:) fifth
current mood: PMS

I like crying in his arm, just because I feel a little pain somewhere. But I love it more when he hold me in his arms and tell me that it will be fine. In case anyone is wondering, he's making me happy. And maybe, just maybe I feel like I am the happiest girl in the world. The nineteenth was a blast.

UNO, you mean the world. :)
Good morning world.


imperfectly written at 10:52 AM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

:) him
current mood: full!

Sometimes in our lives, we come across crossroads leaving us with 2 options. There exist in us a fear that our decisions will either hurt someone or eventually bring us to a path worse than where we were from. And most times, the options are not easy; it may for example be between biting the hands that feed us and breaking the heart of a loved one.
If there is something the world needs to know is that, I am in love with my boyfriend. An option for another or for something that the world bids to be better for me, is not an option I want to take.

& no matter what others have to offer, I choose him.

Because he's the best. :)
UNO, it's only you.
Oh world, good night.


imperfectly written at 1:57 AM

Monday, June 2, 2008

:) moments like this.
current mood: stressed out.

I have had a good week and I am looking forward for the next one. I really have to be thankful that my life turned out this way. Despite all the pain and agony of being me, I have found a joy in my life. Despite being thorn down once, twice and even for the third time, I managed to stand up and push away sorrows to enjoy moments like this with everyone that matters. Life's treating me alright.
The one thing I got from all this, is to appreciate everything that comes in my way.
& my advice, do not turn around at others and mock them for the way the live their life, even if they live in a lie. Because yours ain't perfect too.

Lastly, I just want to share this.

& so he says. (:

UNO, you'll always be a part of me.
Dear world, it was a blast. Good night.


imperfectly written at 12:36 AM