Sunday, December 28, 2008
:) biggest fan
current mood: sneeze-zy
2009 is coming.
My resolutions for the coming year:
- Get that Diploma
- Find a decent job
- Go fashion crazy
- Spend quality time with the family
- Love the boy better :)

& I swear that I am MBF's biggest fan.
Dear UNO, you-me. In good&bad times, that's how it's going to stay.
I love you. No doubt about it, fool.
Dear world, I am too caught up in love with MBF that I do mind getting to know other people. MBF is my wan&only, clearly. :)
Do have a Happy Christmas & Merry New Year!
❤ imperfectly written at 1:18 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
:) a little too long.
current mood: dull-ly gery-ish
It has been ages since I went to this page and my mind can't work out the events that I want to share with the world. Many seconds have passed and life has been super wonderful. The changes that I faced recently, have subside and yes, I feel fantastic having MBF around, helping me cope with it.
I love waking up every morning, knowing that the people I truly care about still stick around, staying by my side, loving me regardless of my flaws. Like how I love knowing that in any circumstances, the family has always got my back like I have got theirs. & I love the fact that I don't need to try to impress MBF for him to stick around, he is already sticking to me like glue. HAHA.
& TPE/SLE has become my daily routine again. :) Good bye SLP!
UNO, the 9-teen passed again. You & I were both wonderfools. :)
I really LOVE you, thank you.
Dear world, I love waking up in the morning with the smelliest breath and ugliest face, and having the best person by my side, kissing me and whispering in my ears that he loves me, sending shivers down my spine.
Because it should not be about the make up or the perfume; it should be about me.
& "it" being love. As they say, the person who loves you will still find you beautiful in your ugliest state & mine would be in the early mornings.
❤ imperfectly written at 11:57 PM