:) The Ones That Start With "F"s
current mood: below par

Hours ago, I was blasting music from MBF’s handset, screaming out lyrics of songs on his playlist. As this moment, the handset is on medium, with rather soothing music to keep me company whilst I sit in my incredibly messy room, alone, avoiding the crowd outside. I needed time, to think, to breathe, and to compose.
My head is not doing well again. The theme park, thrill rides and the bombarding brain cells are tiring me out. See, I was never the best. I try my best to please them all, setting aside my own interest, yet it all wasn’t enough. It never was in the first place. As much as I loathe it, the agony was those diamond droplets falling off the side of her lids, making its way down to the ground. I disappointed them.
& somehow, I miss this.

Last 19th, My shinning star turned 6. Happy Birthday IFU. (:
UNO, it amazes me what you see in a girl who has nothing. It amazes me that you chose to love a girl who was no one. It amazes me that we’re where we are. ILY.
Dear world, all I want now, is for MBF and them family to be happy. Please. Pretty please?